Blend of two South American coffees, medium roast, this is a complex and complete coffee blend, full bodied and rich with a winery aftertaste.
Not available in 8 oz (1/2 lb) bags.
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Great coffee
Great people to do business with! Great coffee products!
An Alamogordo treat!
My husband was stationed at Holloman AFB from 1999-2004. While stationed at Holloman, we discovered Olive Branch coffee and fell in love with it. We have sinced moved to Las Vegas, but are so happy that we can still order coffee from Olive Branch and have it shipped to our home. The White Sands blend was one we only recently tried and have enjoyed it immensely. It will definitely be in our rotation of coffee orders.
The Finest Champagne of Coffee
My husband and I discovered the White Sands coffee in Walmart years ago. After Walmart stopped carrying it, we were on a quest to locate the distributor. It was our great pleasure to discover that it is distributed out of New Mexico, our home state. White Sands is the Dom Pérignon of coffee. It's rich and smooth with no bitter aftertaste. My husband and I are coffee flavor aficionados. We drink it for the flavor, not for the caffine. We've never found a coffee as thoroughly satisfying. I love waking up to the aroma of White Sands brewing. That first cup is worth getting up early for. My office mates hear me say every morning as I finish my last drop of coffee, "That's the saddest moment of my day." I love it, love it, love it. I'd actually give it a ten if that was a option.
Anthony Young
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aroma outstanding
the aroma of this coffee is wonderful to wake up to on a mountain morning. It is our favorite on a Saturday morning - wonderful smooth flavor